Ahhh, Cheese. Who does not love a good cheese? Melted and slightly browned, cheese is the glue that ties the disparate ingredients of a good pizza together. I prefer fresh cheese, no matter what type or brand it is. In Central Texas, that usually means Mexican cheeses, which have analogues to the "normal" American cheeses. My most commonly used cheeses are:
HEB brand block whole milk mozzarella.
Cacaique braided Oxaca.
Cacaique Asadero.
Antonelli's very fresh mozzarella, brand unknown.
HEB brand Quesadillo.
HEB brand block Provolone.
As a topping, I also use various other types, ranging from Blue cheese to the various "hard" cheeses, like Parmigiano-Reggiano, Grana Padano, and aged Gouda.
... Antonelli's Cheese Shop . Cacique Cheese ...